Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Earth Angels

I have always believed in God and angels. I am also a firm believer that God sends angels to help Him out down here on earth. Sometimes they are guardian angels that we can't see, and sometimes they are in the forms of friends and family members. I have had SEVERAL help me throughout this time. I've had them take kids, bring in meals, clean my house, and just sit and visit with me. When I had my little "Oh-my-gosh-I-could-be-having-this-baby-in-2-weeks-and-I-have-NOTHING" freak out session a few days ago, those angels kicked it into overdrive! I was having fun (probably a little too much fun) shopping online. Some things were so outrageously overpriced brand new that I almost had to take another little trip to the hospital. I then thought "I have several friends that have kids. Maybe they still have some of their baby stuff and would let me buy or borrow it..." I made a post on Facebook and BAM!! I have BOXES of baby girl clothes, toys, shoes, blankets, burp cloths, nursing pillows, and a Bumbo chair! I am pretty sure I'm not going to have to shop for clothes for this child for quite some time. This has helped us out SO much!! I am so grateful for the many, MANY angels out there who listened to the still, soft promptings from our Father in Heaven. I don't think anyone will truly understand how deep my gratitude and appreciation goes. I hope one day I will get the opportunity to "Pay It Forward." Thank you, my Angels here on Earth, for all you've done for my family and me!!

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