Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Things My Kids Have Said

Ok, I know I've posted a lot of these things to Facebook already, but I'm going to go ahead and blog about them here, too. These are conversations/silly things my kids have said during my time on bed rest:

Karah: "Mommy, the other day I pretended I was pregnant and laid in my bed while I told Jayden to clean my room. I would help sometimes and throw toys from my bed to the basket. It is fun being pregnant!"

Jayden: "Dad, Mommy's having another...contraption?" (After we tried to correct the "attraction")

Karah: (After seeing a BowFlex commercial) "Mom! We HAVE to get one of those so your tummy won't be so HUGE!!!"

Karah: (Immediately after I rolled out of bed) "Mommy, go back to bed. You look like you need it!"

This morning I heard a knock on the door. I wasn't dressed, yet, and Karah beat me to the door. This is what I heard as I frantically searched for my clothes:

FedEx Man: "Is your mommy home?"
Karah: "Yeah, but she's pregnant and laying down on bed rest in her bed because she's pregnant with a baby and having contraptions because she's pregnant and on bed rest. My mom is PREGNANT!"
FedEx Man: (Obviously trying not to laugh) "Will you let her know I have a package for her?"
Me: "I'll be right out! I'm sorry!"
Karah: "Get back in bed, I'll handle it!"
FedEx Man: (Can't hold it in anymore) "I can just set it down-"
Karah: "I'll take it, thank you!"
Me: (Finally...covered...enough to run out there) "Thanks!"
Karah: "I'm telling Daddy!! Where's your phone!"
I could hear him laughing all the way back to his truck...

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